In English
Yone Noguchi - Wikipedia
Yone Noguchi on Facebook
Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum, New York
Sato Hiroaki,
"Yone Noguchi-Accomplishments and Roles,"
Journal of American and Canadian Studies 13 (1995).
David Ewick,
"Yone Noguchi's influence on English-language poetry" in Emerging from Absence:
An Archive of Japan in English-Language Verse
The American Diary of a Japanese Girl: An Annotated Edition, ed. Edward Marx
and Laura E. Franey (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2006)
Kitamura Kiyohiko, "Aesthetics
of Cultural Double Citizenship: A Case of A Japanese Poet, Yone Noguchi"
(International Congress of Aesthetics, 2007) [pdf]
Edward Marx, "A Slightly-Open Door: Yone Noguchi and the Invention of English Haiku,"
Genre 39 (Fall 2006)
Maki Sadahiro, Nostalgic Reconstruction of Japanese Aesthetics : Yone Noguchi's Poetics
and Politics, Strata 23:12 (December 2009)
Yoshinobu Hakutani,
Haiku and Modernist Poetics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)
Nina Egert, Yone Noguchi's
California: Poetic Visions of a 19th Century Dharma Bum (Canyon, CA:
Vinapa Foundation for Cross-Cultural Studies, 2010)
Amy Sueyoshi, Intimate
Inequalities: Interracial Affection and Same-sex Love in the 'Heterosexual'
Life of Yone Noguchi, 1897–1909, Journal of American Ethnic
History, 29.4 (Summer 2010)
Amy Sueyoshi, Miss Morning Glory: Orientalism and Misogyny in the Queer Writings of Yone Noguchi,
Amerasia Journal 37:2 (2011)
Leonie, a film by Hisako Matsui, Japan 2010, USA 2013
Sueyoshi, Queer Compulsions- Race, Nation, and Sexuality in the Affairs of Yone Noguchi
(University of Hawaii Press, 2012)
- Yone Noguchi,
Later Essays, ed. Edward Marx (Botchan Books, 2013)
Leonie Gilmour: When East Weds West by Edward Marx (Botchan Books, 2013)
Scenes from the Yone Noguchi Society Symposium, July 14, 2014
Selected Poems audiobook on Librivox
In Japanese 日本語
- 堀まどか Hori Madoka's essays:
堀 まどか [Hori Madoka],「二重国籍」 詩人 野口米次郎
["Nijuukokusekisha" shijin Noguchi Yonejiro] "Dual nationality" poet Yonejiro Noguchi. 名古屋市: 名古屋大学出版会 [University of Nagoya Press], 2012. ISBN 978-4-8158-0697-2.
- 山口 ヨシ子 Yamaguchi Yoshiko,
「マダム」・バタフライをこえる試み : ヨネ・ノグチの「ミス」・モーニング・グローリー
['Madamu' Batafurai wo koeru kokoromi: Yone Noguchi no 'Misu' Moningu Gurorii
] Miss Morning Glory in The American Diary of a Japanese Girl : Creating
a Japanese Woman Superior to Madame Butterfly] 人文研究 : 神奈川大学人文学会誌=The Human
Studies (Kanagawa University) 162 (Sept. 2007): 87-123.
- 「 文学公使」として日米の架け橋=野口米次郎(ヨネ ノグチ)
- Edition Synapse reprints
星野文子 [Hoshino Ayako], ヨネ・ノグチ 夢を追いかけた国際詩人 [Yone Noguchi Yume o oikaketa kokusai shijin] Yone Noguchi: dream-chasing poet 東京: 彩流社 [Sairyusha], 2012.10.25. ISBN 978-4-7791-1833-3.
加藤三明 [Katou Mitsuaki], ヨネとイサム・ノグチ──二重国籍者の親子 [Yone to Isamu Noguchi-Nijuukokusekisha no oyako] Yone and Isamu Noguchi: Father and son of two countries, 三田評論 [Mita hyouron] 78 (April 2013).
エドワード・マークス [Edward Marx],
レオニー・ギルモア イサム・ノグチの母の生涯 [Leonie Gilmour When East Weds West] 東京: 彩流社 [Sairyusha], 2014.1. ISBN 978-4-7791-1978-1
- ヨネ・ノグチ学会 (Yone Noguchi Society) 2014年に立ち上げられました
2nd ヨネ・ノグチ学会 (Yone Noguchi Society) 発足記念シンポジウム 2015年6月27日
(又は、3rd と 4th 学会)
Yone Noguchi: The Stream of Fate, Volume One (The Western Sea) by Edward Marx (Botchan Books, 2019).
詩集 明界と幽界: A bilingual edition of Seen & Unseen (Sairyusha, 2019) with new translations into Japanese. 星野 文子 訳, 堀 まどか 訳, 羽田 美也子 訳, 亀井 俊介 監修.
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